Knyfe's Edge A Mobile, Knife Sharpening Service.

Knyfe's Edge will come to your location equipped to restore, sharpen, and maintain your knives for a professional edge.

(207) 300-7267

Knyfe’s Edge

We can restore your knife to professional standards, and maybe even better.

What We Do


Set the Knife’s Edge

We match the equipment to the blade’s bevel angle. Then start the sharpening process by correcting any irregularities in the edge.


Sharpen / Maintenance

Using finer abrasives and processes, the edge is shaped and sharpened. Records are kept for ease of maintenance done in future visits.



We can restore heirloom or severely damaged blades on a case-by-case basis. This includes polishing a blade or refinishing a handle.


Precise Angles, Repeatability, Expertise; Resulting in Exactly the Blade You Require.

This image will become a link to an informational page about knives.

The Anatomy of a Knife

We know, it seems simple enough, but let’s make sure we’re talking about the same things.

Edges, Sharpening, and Tools

You can’t cut a tree down with a straight razor, and you probably shouldn’t shave with an axe.

Knives, Steels, and Opinions

There are all kinds of knives out there. Some we can sharpen, and some we can’t. Then there are some that we just won’t.

Have Questions?

Frequently Asked

How does billing work?

We accept cash, and most credit cards. Payment is due upon completion of services. We can text or email receipts. Automatic recurring charges can be arranged for repeating clients.

How sharp is “sharp”?

We visually inspect blades for sharpness and feel the edge. We like to see our clients test their blades to their specifications. A blade that slices tomatoes, should not slice paper.

Do you guarantee your work?

We will do everything we can to keep our clients satisfied. The nature of the business does not lend itself to guarantees. There are too many variables involved.

Why by appointment?

Appointments allow us to make the best use of your time and ours. Being mobile is expensive so we must be efficient. We will try to make allowances when necessary.

Do you sell knives?

We hope to someday, but we don’t sell knives at this time. We do keep a couple of sets to loan out while we’re sharpening yours. Ask me about them, and I’ll show you some knives.

How long will my knives stay sharp?

This depends on many things. Some steels will last longer than others. A professional chef will need their knives sharpened every two weeks. A household kitchen knife will probably last longer.